[@Atrophy] Thank you for updating your CS, it looks great! Also, kudos on another wonderful post. Very pleased with everyone so far. [b]For everyone..[/b] Once this story gets rolling here in the next few posts we will begin to start utilizing the roll system during the game, as you will be traveling and will be required to make certain rolls periodically to obtain extra information from your current environments. [b]Awareness Rolls[/b]- will be utilized to search for things or scan your immediate surroundings for clues, or to get a jump on any encounters.. The locating of traps and hidden items or clues, descriptions of environments, hidden routes and passages, etc. [b]Willpower Rolls[/b]- will be done to determine whether or not your characters can withstand certain forces within the game, and is basically the measurement of your resolve to see how you will act under pressure. Things like resisting certain statuses like sickness, sleep, starvation, hexes and curses, thought reading or mind control, etc. [b]Intelligence Rolls:[/b]- will be rolled to determine if your character is smart enough to decipher codes, read and understand various languages etc. The ability to learn new things, and the ability to retain information. [b]Wit Rolls:[/b]- will be utilized when trying to outsmart an opponent or encounter, your ability to reason with, or get one over on another individual. To outsmart the other party involved. [b]Charisma Rolls:[/b]- will be rolled when bartering, or when trying to be persuasive with another NPC or neutral encounters. It is a representation of how likeable your character is, and how well you can sway someone in your favor. It can lead to better prices when buying items or services, or win you favorable odds with the opposite sex in particular. [b]Attack Rolls:[/b]- will be rolled in combat along with your [b]Dexterity Mod[/b] (or skill mod if applicable) when fighting with weapons, or with your [b]Strength Mod[/b] for unarmed combat. [b]Note:[/b] Each player may have 2 attacks as beginning players unless they are equipped with a shield*. This negates one attack. [b]Armor:[/b]- Armor rolls will be used as a saving throw against taking wounds. Your final saving grace against combat wounds. If blocking with a shield you will roll for it's mod, and if this fails you may then roll for your armor. [b]Luck Rolls:[/b]- as the name suggests, luck is luck. Roll this if all else fails and maybe, just maybe, the god's will shine on you. [i][b]I have added this info to both Zero Posts. Each player will be responsible for doing the initiative rolls, and will be necessary for obtaining certain avenues of interests within the game.[/b][/i]