[b]Kolrim  Night prior to departure, Gallant[/b] Kolrim was relaxing in one of his favorite places within Gallant. He found it during a brief stay and had made a point to visit any chance he had. Now that he had moved to the riverside city permanently he was able to stop by much more often. The Dwarf was sitting on a simple wooden chair on the third floor of a semi-ramshackle inn and tavern next to an open window. He grinned to himself as he heard the not so distant clanging of metal on metal. Blacksmiths were hard at work, just across the street. The sounds and smells that drifted through his window were soothing to him, though he was unsure add to why. He had no skill at the craft himself.  He was smoking his favorite brand of pipe tobacco. A rare treat that he had to save up for in order to afford as it came from a particularly sensitive strain that only grew in the Kinglands. The pipe itself was a recent purchase. The Dwarf contemplated the small item in his gnarled hand. It was expertly crafted out of gold sheen obsidian, and because of that, it was also the gaudiest thing he owned. He sighed, pulled deeply from his new pipe and blew out an excellently shaped smoke ring. He chuckled to himself softly as he watched the ring drift away from him. Such an odd thing for one like him to purchase. He had saved up, as he normally did, in order to fund his next attempt to find a way back home. However, after several years it became apparent that he was out of avenues that he had not already explored. Thus he had built up a small fortune, enough so that he could afford his little bauble without exhausting his funds. Failure on the one hand, and success on the other. Black and gold. A suitable symbol for his coming centennial anniversary he thought with a frown.  "Bah." He muttered to himself as he stood from his chair, rubbing his chin through his beard as he tried to clear his thoughts. Lingering on such things did him no good. He had obtained membership to the Shield Brethren guild not too long ago and had completed only a handful of simple tasks for the guild thus far. He knew it was only a matter of time until he was called on to risk life and limb for the organization again. For someone in his line of work it was not something to agonize over, but simply recognized as a normal part of life. He earned his keep by risking his neck and possibly taking the lives of others, be they human or... other. Just then a knock sound at his door. He 'Harrumph'ed at the interruption, but made his way over to the door. It's hinges shouting their need for some attention and oil with a loud squeak. Kolrim laughed with a loud and single,  "Ha!" Upon sighting his visitor, a messenger from the guild had arrived. "Speak o' the devil..." he muttered.  [b]----- The next morning... -----[/b] Kolrim was standing by the gates that the group of guild members he was to join up with should exit the town, his travel pack leaning up against a wall next to him. He had been filled in regarding their task and that he was a late addition to the group. The sun had not yet risen, yet there was already a steady stream of travelers passing through the gate. He kept an eye out for the group he was to join up with as he stuffed a wooden pipe with a cheaper brand of tobacco leaf. As he lit the pipe the sun started to rise.  He grunted softly as he squinted in the light if a new day, his eyes taking some time to adjust. Time passed, his vision back to normal. He never saw the group pass him by while his eyesight was poor. He continued to wait, keeping a vigilant, though useless, watch on those who were leaving the city.