[h1][b][color=00a99d]Yllwythyr[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0c/6d/18/0c6d18302936fa59e2fdad2faf6d6c98.jpg[/img] Yllwythyr the Blackstaff is an aloof studious member of the Pantheon. He does not appear to be overtly ambitious nor seeking confrontation with his siblings. He's fascinated by life and seems to be content observing its wonders. By nature he seeks harmony and creation, uninterested in petty power plays. In a sense he could be described as a scholar, a wise deity eager to know more. Yet he's an ambivalent entity who would not allow himself to develop overt sways. Yllwythyr (or just Blackstaff) can only hold temporary allegiances and like life he's ever changing. He preaches balance above all. While many consider Yllwythyr a good entity he has no interest in fighting evil, much less to eliminate them. In his view there's no "bad" life, only life.