[color=silver]Jaro's enthusiastic introduction seemed to miss the mark with the rest of the crew, if the lack of reactions or answers was anything to go by. Sheesh, talk about a tough crowd. Was it cause most of the others were old? It must've been because they were old. Man, hopefully it wouldn't be this quiet the whole time on board. Much as he loved his own voice, monologuing wasn't half as fun as actual social interaction. With that said, Jaroslav [i]did [/i]think he spotted a sparkle in the eye of a girl around his age from the corner of his eye. But before he could start to figure out whether it was due to his entrance or the adventure that awaited, their apparent captain spoke up. Her authoritative tone demanded everyone's undivided attention, so Jaroslav gave her nothing less. He'd have time to talk to the girl later. The captain was barely a few words in when Jaro realized he was practically being called out.[i] Oh shit-[/i] and on the first day, too. So [i]that's [/i]why most everyone was being so stiff; they were military folk. Guess that made sense, considering the nature of the vessel. Jaro [i]had [/i]figured he'd be the odd one out of the bunch to begin with, just not to what extent. Well damn, he felt kinda sheepish now-- --At least until the captain conceded that they would surely need someone like him one day. At [i]that[/i], he practically beamed, brimming with validated confidence all the way to the end of her spiel. "Aye, aye, cap'n--- [i]ma'am![/i]" he corrected quickly, stiffening his back and giving her a salute. Though the motion was a little dramatic and overblown, it was done out of genuine respect and attempt to adhere to the code. Titles were hard, but she seemed like someone worthy of 'em, so he'd try to remember to speak accordingly. Couldn't be that hard. "You won't be disappointed," he went on to promise as the crew spread out around the ship. Jaro went to put his stuff away as instructed, and then made his way to the helm, humming. He wanted to familiarize himself with how easy - and how fast - the vessel was to steer before they got to those... what were they? Devil Vulture? [i]Ha[/i], more like [i]Fried Chicken[/i] by the time they were done![/color]