[center][h3]Nemeia[/h3][/center] [hr] Nem cast an irritated look in the direction of the loud Careabean. She preferred to travel more quietly, she did not trust the road or the wilds. And she did not trust her life to some drunken adventurer that seemed to unable to take anything seriously. However, summoning what little patience she could manage, Nem offered only a modest shrug of her shoulders in mute agreement. As soon as they had passed through the gates of River city, she had pulled the hood of her traveler's cloak well over her head. Her horns were hardly noticeable beneath the coarse fabric of the dark blue hood. She knew from experience that with the help of the darkness and a bit of luck she'd be able to pass as yet another traveling Highlander. Not that she expected any poor farmer that opened their door to the Shield Brethren to ask too many questions. Being a small company of well-armed adventurers tended to silence most of the complaints a peasant could muster in the dead of night. "Whatever our choice, we should not stay too long. This road is not safe at night, not even for adventurers. Inn or farmstead, it doesn't matter to me, we have coin enough to barter. And arms enough if it should come to that."