As soon as they reached the pokemon center, Indigo rushed to clean himself up and get changed. [color=8882be][i]Once we have actually flying types, it's gonna be so much easier to travel,[/i][/color] he thought as he ordered clothing from his PC storage. After freshening up, he headed down the stairs to see Margo waiting. [color=00a651]"Hey, so, what do you want to do? Those girls over there were talking about a contest happening tomorrow... That's something you're into, isn't it?"[/color] He blanked. [color=8882be]"A contest?"[/color] His eyes followed Margo's indication towards the girls who were talking about the event. "I mean, I'm definitely into it." His quick response lapsed into silence. [color=8882be]"I'm just a little worried though. It's gonna be my first one and there's gonna be a huge crowd. I don't even know if anyone on my team's ready..."[/color] Margo squinted. [color=00a651]"Do you want to do it or not? You could make up excuses for why you don't want to, but I feel like it's better if you just enter. The only way your pokemon are gonna get really prepared is if they do more contests anyways."[/color] [color=8882be]"It's not that simple!"[/color] Indy protested, feeling called out for no reason. It was easy for Margo to sit and make judgements, he thought. She didn't know what he was going through, how difficult contests were! [color=8882be]"I don't want to set myself up for failure. You have to [i]prepare[/i], you know." [/color] [color=00a651]"Oh come on Indigo Rose,"[/color] Margo chided. [color=00a651]"Sounds like someone's getting cold feet."[/color] [color=8882be]"I'm getting up,"[/color] Indigo said, pushing his chair while he stood up. Making his way over to the other trainers he offered a short wave. [color=8882be]"Hey, I heard you guys talking about registration. Just wondering if you could walk me through what you have to do..."[/color] Margo watched curiously, her chin resting in her hand. Indigo proceeded to talk some more, as did the other trainers. They all took out their pokedexes, and the girls seemed to pointing at his device and theirs. The conversation was short and Indigo came back looking surprised and perhaps a little drained. He slunked in his chair. [color=8882be]"It was super simple, just an online thing done with our pokedexes. I'm registered..."[/color] He didn't sound happy, Margo noted.[color=8882be] "I'm getting nervous..."[/color] [color=00a651]"That's understandable, but I'm sure it'll be fine,"[/color] Margo reassured. [color=00a651]"Just remember, you're in this to learn. Not to win. Coordinating isn't just competition. It's you and your pokemon expressing a specific depth through technqiue. If you think more about doing that, and you see how other trainers do it, winning or losing won't matter that much."[/color] A line from some Breeder guide that touched on other pokemon professions. Margo was proud of herself for remembering it. [color=00a651][i]I sound awesome.[/i][/color] Indigo blinked. Had Margo always been this insightful? In any case, perhaps she was right. This was his first contest, and no matter how much he prepared, there was much to learn and refine. Perhaps if he focused more on learning and improving himself at this contest, the anxiety about winning or losing wouldn't affect him as much. [color=8882be][i]Focus more on learning instead of winning...[/i][/color][color=8882be] "Thanks, Margo. I'm going to try and take that advice, actually."[/color] She beamed. [color=00a651]"Anytime!"[/color] As they finished their lunch, Indigo found himself feeling sleepy. It was no wonder, they had hiked for a long time and had only just arrived at the city. After some conversation, the two decided they'd rest properly. After all, Indigo couldn't train with his pokemon if he wasn't feel alert, and Margo hardly felt like exploring since she was tired too. Day elapsed into night as the trainers napped for the rest of the day. Indigo decided, as he drifted off to sleep, that he would get some more practice in before the contest started.