[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=orangered]Caesar[/color] & [color=darkgoldenrod]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr][b][color=dimgray]Location:[/color][/b] Grimm Indiana (El Asilo/The Nuthouse!) [b][color=ff4500]Skills:[/color][/b] Pistols [b][color=b8860b]Skills:[/color][/b] Body Conditioning, Athletics, Stamina, Xiaolin Techniques [hr][hr][/center] It's funny how things worked out sometimes. Caesar hadn't expected to see either of these two in Grimm, Indiana, let alone together in the place that he had been, for lack of a better term, summoned toward. While confusion was a big part of it, the coincidence did serve to mentally reinforce the notion that something of importance was happening here. Apparently, something that involved his daughter and whatever secrets were floating about in this creepyass town. At the moment though, none of that mattered. He heard his daughter's voice telling him to find the stairs, and now swearing at him. Yup, that was his M'hija. He must be getting close; the sound seemed to echo in his actual ears as well. Upon getting the information and go-ahead to make the door bend to their will, Caesar looked to his much larger, far more British associate, grunting and nodding in the direction of the offending portal to the stairwell. The response was spirited and immediate. Keystone also heard something, though it was uncertain exactly what it was. All he knew was that his possibly recently insane boss claimed to hear the voice of his dead daughter urging him to come here and find the stairs so far, they found stairs, and now there was a yell from behind a stuck door. He was now steadfast in the belief that something was happening, if not exactly the face value answer. He'd figure it out as things revealed themselves. For now, [i]open the door[/i]. The problem was, no matter how spirited and no matter how immediate the response was, Keystone was ever the Big Bad Wolf, doomed to blow ineffectively against the house of brick and mortar. He gave his best effort, leaning against it, really gripping hard and bearing down. He funneled his Chi. he grunted, strained, and tuned every muscle of his powerful form upon the comparatively frail-seeming door, but to no avail. It stood as a bulwark against mighty Keystone and his pecs of steel. The big man had never been beaten by a mere door before. He recalled the time that he ripped one off its hinges and beat a man almost completely to death with a door tougher than this one. No, this made no sense. Of course this was an an old asylum. Even the doors were acting crazy He turned to Caesar with an alarmed, confused look on his face, and was promptly, albeit nonverbally, instructed to move to one side. The grizzled Mexican would not be denied his moment. There had to be a way to outflank the door, that evil portcullis that stood between him and his daughter. Caesar hadn't time to think. He needed to get down there. With a sneer upon his lips, Caesar raised his .45 handgun. Keystone gave a quick, [color=b8860b]"Shite. Plug your ears, then,"[/color] to Cecily before his more senior partner fired a single round into the locking mechanism at a downward angle, then booted the damned thing open with a flurry of shrapnel. [color=ff4500][i]"PAPI'S HERE!"[/i][/color] reverberated along the stairwell, and with smoking gun in hand Caesar stepped through. [hider=Roll Request, Caesar] Caesar Gonzalez Characters current location - Grimm, Indiana (The Asylum - Stairwell) Characters attempted actions - Looking around and descending Any and all skills being used - General Observation Why each skill is being called - To take in the surroundings - note, has LED flashlight Desired location of the character - Descending stairs [/hider] [hider=Roll Request, Keystone] J. Keystone Characters current location - Grimm, Indiana (The Asylum - Stairwell) Characters attempted actions - Covering asses, following Caesar Any and all skills being used - General Observation, Security Procedures Why each skill is being called - Being on lookout - note, has LED flashlight Desired location of the character - Following Caesar [/hider]