[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#7E5C65]Robert Adler[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/c8P9h0T/ezgif-com-resize.jpg[/img][hr][b] [color=#7E5C65]Location:[/color][/b] Indiana(Entering Grimm) [b][color=#7E5C65]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Robert was having no luck in that car it seemed; First he couldn't read some easy-peasy files on the ride down south because he got car sick, then he had some terrifying nightmares that frankly hit a little too close for comfort, and now? Now he couldn't get online on his phone to do something useful. Robert sighed and grumbled in annoyance at his phone, giving it a few futile moments of a last attempt, before just giving up on the whole thing digging his phone back into a pocket. Clearly this wasn't a good time to be sitting on the phone. [color=#7E5C65]"Had anyone but you just told me that, I'd given them the benefit of the doubt. But you? I'm starting to warm up to Chicago again."[/color] Robert told Adelaide as they pulled up to what he presumed was their intended destination. His vision was still all weird and wonky, but the house looked normal… Until Robert also noticed the cop car and the open door. Why were the cops there? Then again at the mention of Marc, it could make sense that they were there to inform of his demise. Robert sure didn't know, he didn't know anyone from Grimm or how things worked there. Getting out of the car with Adelaide, Robert rounded the car and stood leaning against it for a moment, just taking a look at the whole scene clad in that annoying haze. [color=#7E5C65]"How come? You think they're too nuts to be affected by…whatever it is?"[/color] Robert asked her, though it was more of a rhetorical question than anything. Why did she think this was affecting some, but not everyone? Though why did Robert assume it didn't? Robert really should have majored in something other than Law, perhaps chemistry or psychology, something that could explain the haze. [color=#7E5C65]"So who's these guys anyway? The Tinders? They know anything about this haze?"[/color] Haze. Robert was already starting to dislike that word for all it was worth. Haze. Like his entire life was just one big, fat, unsuccessful haze.