[@Blitzy] 1. Given that those two kingdoms are located in the same general mountain range, they would not have too much different give or take a few idealistic traits that can be decided upon at a later time. Though, I will say that they would be similar enough that outsides would confuse the different kingdoms if not for their colors and [i]slight[/i] mannerisms. 2. I would say that dwarves would live around 100-150 which does make them significantly older than most of the other races given a medieval technology level and so on, who lived to an average of 40+ years because [i]times were just shit[/i] though, a dwarf living beyond such an age of 200 is not impossible given they lead a healthy lifestyle and are [i]generally[/i] well looked after. 3. Most races probably would look down upon each other, but dwarves less so, because they are revered as some of the best crafters and inventors throughout the lands (even if they are now in a state of stagnancy). In fact, most humans would be very eager to win over a dwarf just to get a slight boon out of them. Basically, everyone puts on that fake smile you give that family member you dislike, but has a load of money.