Hearing the rustling of the branches, Sebastian looks over, ready to scold whoever was continuing to take the fruit despite his warnings - only to see the young kenku trying his utmost to put the fruit back on the tree? His face softens, and he shakes his head. [color=9e0b0f]"Caw, don't worry about it. I..."[/color] His cheeks are tinged with a faint red. Then his eyebrows crease, and he walks over to a tree on the other side of the road. [color=9e0b0f]"I'll just... [i]look this way[/i] for a second."[/color] Surina watches him for a second, before looking over at Cassandra. The druid nods, a little sadly, but with a hint of a smile, as well. Nodding back, and walking over to the various groups of flowers and trees, Surina gets to work. Opening her bag, she takes at least one of everything, it seems, examining various fruits, and counting out some of the wildflowers between her fingers, as though appraising their quality. [hider=Surina's loot] - Surina gains [b]1 days rations[/b] - The next time Surina makes a healing potion, the cost is reduced by [b]10 gold[/b][/hider] [hider=Anyone else] If anyone else wants to loot, let me know. There are a total of [b]3 days rations[/b] that can be claimed here, with Surina having taken one.[/hider] Sebastian waits several minutes, before looking over at you all. [color=9e0b0f]"Alright. Enough carousing. It’s almost nightfall, and I'd like to get into town by then-"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"...Sebastian."[/color] Cassandra says. He looks over at her, expecting an admonishment, but her wide eyes are fixed on Greenrest. [color=8dc73f]"There's smoke."[/color] Sebastian follows her gaze, and the colour drains from his face. In the few minutes that have passed since you arrived, several grey pillars have risen up from the grey town. It’s a wonder you couldn’t see them before. [color=9e0b0f]"What's happening down there?"[/color] he asks aloud. Cassandra squints, craning her neck as she looks toward the city. [color=8dc73f]"There's people down there..."[/color] She tenses. [color=8dc73f]"That's an army."[/color] The twins turn to look at each other. Some matter of seconds passes as unspoken words pass between them. [color=9e0b0f]"Don't do it, Cass."[/color] Sebastian whispers. And then Cassandra whips the reins of her horse. It surges forward, carrying both of its riders forward dozens of feet at a time. Sebastian jumps, and he begins to run after, keeping pace for a few moments before she pulls ahead. He stops and calls after her. [color=9e0b0f]"Cassandra!"[/color] The horse does not slow, Cassandra bending low over Vaal’s form, whispering over and over in a tongue that slips from his mind like ice. Beneath them, Sylvana snorts, and she begins to move faster, and faster, and the city looms ever larger over the three... then a shadow appears. A thunderous [i]boom[/i] rips through the air. And then [i]boom[/i]. Another follows. And another. Rising out of the trees beyond the city is a gargantuan creature. A pair of leathery wings carry it up into the sky, straining with each beat to carry its weight into the sky - each one creating another boom. From its nose sprouts a single bone horn - which those among you have already seen, hidden by a veil as it may have been. The creature rises higher, and higher, and then it begins to dive. It opens its maw, and lightning arcs from within, setting several buildings aflame. It then turns, and swoops again, headed for a great walled building at the centre of the town. Lennithon the Blue begins the attack. [color=9e0b0f][i]"CASSANDRAAAA!"[/i][/color] Congratulations, adventurers... you have reached Episode One. [hr][img]https://rpg.ambient-mixer.com/images_template/6/3/a/63a6f1f7bdb2c7008cfe90e385d03803_full.jpg[/img] [center][h2][color=slateblue]Episode 1: Greenrest in Flames[/color][/h2] [b][u]Party Members[/u][/b] [color=8882be]Caw[/color] | Rogue 1 | [color=2E8B57]9/9[/color][color=7fffd4] +3[/color] [color=00aeef]Vaal Storm-Touched[/color] | Sorcerer 1 | [color=2E8B57]7/7[/color][color=7fffd4] +3[/color] [color=fff200]Magdar Ironheart[/color] | Cleric 1 | [color=2E8B57]12/12[/color][color=7fffd4] +3[/color] [color=00746b]Norixius Surina[/color] | Barbarian 1 | [color=2E8B57]14/14[/color][color=7fffd4] +3[/color] [color=cbd5e0]Rhaeyla Voll[/color] | Monk 1 | [color=2e8b57]10/10[/color][color=7fffd4] +3[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Sebastian N.[/color] | NPC Fighter 1 | [color=2E8B57]11/11[/color][color=7fffd4] +3[/color] [color=8dc73f]Cassandra N.[/color] | NPC Druid 1 | [color=2E8B57]9/9[/color] Lucian | Horse, Riding | [color=2E8B57]Healthy[/color] Sylvana | Horse, Riding | [color=2E8B57]Healthy[/color][/center]