[color=8dc73f]“Ha, I can appreciate such boldness; one with the fortitude to become a Heroic Spirit must have such confidence in themselves.”[/color] Holding one of the thief’s papers in his oversized hand Fierabras read the announcement with some interest. His Master was missing, and she wasn’t anywhere close by as far as he could tell, the Servants by his side weren’t the ones he was supposed to be partnered with and he was somehow lacking the memories of why they were here or even where ‘here’ was; nonetheless the giant didn’t seem overly concerned with the present situation. [color=8dc73f]“It is easy to steal something when no one knows you are coming, to openly announce your plan like this is to invite resistance and opposition; to make his deed all the greater if he succeeds.”[/color] Letting the paper fall from his grip to flutter down to the ground with the rest, the Saracen took on a thoughtful expression; he turned to look at the sky above them. [color=8dc73f]“Still, stealing an entire city? He sounds like a conqueror more than a thief. Arsene Lupin; an interesting man, but I doubt he’s the reason why we are here.”[/color] The Singularities; that was something the Saber-class Servant still remembered. Something had gone wrong, had it not? Something that threatened the future of humanity itself? The Master that was not his own, William, offered them all coats to shield against the weather while the Caster pulled out a book and began summoning familiars of some kind. Fierabras waved the offer away, not that he would have been able to fit his large frame into the duster had he wanted to. [color=8dc73f]“I appreciate the offer, but I am fine. I am Fierabras, a Saber-class Servant; I’m afraid I don’t make much of a scout, but should we run into an enemy you can rely on my sword to protect you.”[/color] [@Grey][@GreenGoat][@ItMeGritty]