Benjamin, doing his best not to give in to the feeling of being trapped, heard Ray's breathing speed up. He looked at her and saw the look on her face. Immediately he reached out and grabbed her hands. "Ray," he said with a sharp tone in his voice. "Calm down. Take a deep breath. If they see you are panicking they will sedate you. Come on, listen to me. Focus on my voice." He gently squeezed her hands. "It will be fine, Ray. As long as we'll look after each other things will be fine. Deep breaths, you can do it. Just take deep breaths." He kept his eyes on Ray, even though he wanted to look around and make sure no-one of the staff was coming in their direction. He did hear a giggle from a nearby table, but he ignored that. Let them think what they wanted to think, he couldn't care less. What mattered was Ray, she needed to be calm again. Marc noticed Benjamin holding the hands of Ray. Were they... in love? He made a mental note to report it, the doctor always wanted to know if patients developed relationships. In some cases it could be good for therapy, but more often than not relationships formed here were toxic and couldn't be encouraged.