[b][h3][center]Gods, Men and Everything in Between Continuation of Turn 2 (1,000 F.A - 2,000 F.A)[/center][/h3][/b] [b][u]The Children of Alcadeas[/u][/b] [indent]It was not [b][color=blue]ALNAEUS[/color][/b] whom breathed life onto the Natural Plane, but rather the Son, [b][color=turquoise]ALCADEAS[/color][/b]. In the Great Peninsula, he stooped and from his hand sprang into life, and from them a modicum of lesser life in which for them to thrive--minor creatures that would roam the land to be killed, tamed, eaten. It is in this time that the historians would later suggest was the [i]Genesis of Man[/i], though the exact dates are uncertain. These humanoids were very apparently made in the image of the [i]First Father[/i]. They existed mostly as nomadic--stumbling about and subsisting where they could in the grasslands and the thickets of highlands that populated the peninsula. [hider=New Race: Humans] - [b]Starting Population[/b]: 1 (Thousands) [[b][color=red]Very Low[/color][/b]] - [b]Population Growth[/b]: 25 (Thousands) [[b][color=green]High[/color][/b]] - [b]Advancement[/b]: [i]Nomadic[/i] (0) - [b]Achievements[/b]: [i]None[/i] - [b]Worship[/b]: 0 / 1.[/hider] [center][img]https://media.swncdn.com/cms/BST/29994-adam-and-eve-in-the-garden-of-eden.800w.tn.jpg[/img] [i]The Creation of Man, First Age[/i][/center][/indent] It was no long before the short lived Humans encountered [i]Death[/i]. Some starved. Others wandered too far and lost their way back and strayed until [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] would come to meet them. The first task as Handler of Souls, [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] would need to accept those humans coming to enter [b]Sanctuary[/b] or reject them, a frivolous task to be sure. [b][u]War[/u][/b] [indent]"[i][color=lightblue]Do you see them? They know not what will be made Masters of them[/color][/i]." The words of the [i]First Father[/i] met only the ears of [b][color=crimson]AMELIA[/color][/b], perched on a knee in a way only a God could. They looked upon the Second Creation--Men. Called so, but among them walked women as well. They watched for years as humans eked out an existence barely above worms. They watched because when there were two mouths and only food--if that's what it was--left for one, they saw what it drove them to do. [b][color=crimson]War[/color][/b]. [b][color=crimson]AMELIA[/color][/b] felt a different kind of existence when men warred. She felt a warmth across her skin and a sharpness in her spine. It felt good. But it needed a Master. To be controlled. And when the man had finally driven the sharp stone through the chest of the other, the warmth had spiked in [b][color=crimson]AMELIA[/color][/b]'s chest then all of a sudden gone cold. And by then, [b][color=blue]ALNAEUS[/color][/b] had gone. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WIsR6tB.png[/img][/center] [/indent] [indent][hider=Consolidation] - [b][color=gold]ANTAY[/color][/b] moves to embody the [b]Domain of Smithing[/b] | Any Deity can challenge this during Turn 2. - [b][color=green]DUHYXBIN[/color][/b] moves to embody the [b]Domain of Time[/b] | Any Deity can challenge this during Turn 2. - [b][color=orange]IRA[/color][/b] moves to embody the [b]Domain of Fire[/b] | Any deity can challenge this during Turn 2. - [b][color=crimson]AMELIA[/color][/b] moves to embody the [b]Domain of Air[/b] | Any deity can challenge this during Turn 2. - [b][color=pink]ILLIAS[/color][/b] moves to embody the [b]Domain of Water[/b] | Any deity can challenge this during Turn 2.[/hider][/indent]