[hr][h1][color=silver][center]Argentum[/center][/color][/h1][hr] Once they got back to the camp, Argen went over to the fire to warm up his cold fingers as he began giving the quick details of what they found, [color=silver]"We found a way to cross through the swamp as the water all but sputters out there, as well as there seemed to be ice tracks indicating this path was taken by a cart before us. It might be the place the others crossed and path used to make it to the fort"[/color]. Argen begins to look around it seems nothing really changed, seems Katya was throwing rocks, as she whips a rock across the river, she was good at it as he called out, [color=silver]"Nicely done"[/color]. As Argen was watching the river as they Ettamri talked to them, Argen responded to the mispronounced name, [color=silver]"It's Argen"[/color] as he stood up and began making last checks to the wagon before they began to head out as he looked towards the river and he found something he thought would not be seeing all day, blood in the water. He made a quick job over to the water to check what was there and to see what was there. A body, he took off his gloves and rolled up his pants as high as they could go and went in to try and fish the body out. In Argen's mind he thought, [color=silver][i]'So my bad feeling was not because I was in danger'[/i][/color], As he thinks it might be because up stream there was danger. If he could he would bring it to shore and inspect what it was, it could have been one of their teammates and it would be bad news if it was. He also tried to make sure Katya wasn't looking.