[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cr07T1d.jpg[/img] [b][color=gray]HUM, Handler of Souls, God of Life and Death[/color][/b][/center] [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] felt it not long after the Humans had come into existence. At first, their creation was of little consequence to [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b], until suddenly one perished. Within an instant, [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] found himself facing the soul of the deceased, a nervous, fidgeting man who looked left and right, unsure of what was going on. Just a moment ago he had been starving to death, and now his body seemed perfectly fine, standing alone in an unusually dreary, color-drained land. [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] rose a few feet into the sky and placed his hand upon the man's forehead, "All is okay now, human. You are in Sanctuary, a land of rest and peace. Do as you wish. If you have need of water, it will be provided. Of food, it will be provided. Of shelter, it too, shall be provided. MY Realm is surely endless in nature, for I am LORD of it," communicated [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] to the man. Within a moment, [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] had decided to welcome all souls to Sanctuary, twisting the Realm to become as close to a paradise as he could. When more humans arrived, [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] hoped they would play games, drink and eat their fill of the perpetually present fruits and water, perhaps even fight with one another yet have their wounds heal once the battle was done. But it was still not quite Life, lacking the true struggle, the true risk of Life in the Natural Realm. There was one issue though, and that was that [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] would likely soon need his own underlings to greet the humans as their numbers increased. But that day had not yet come. First, [b][color=gray]HUM[/color][/b] had greater plans.