[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GtuiZOd.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=red]Rosalyn Bell[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Rosalyn's head was spinning like a top. What the hell was going on? Oooh, how she wished she had any recollection of what was going on. It was weird, last thing she really remembered was following the Director of Chaldea... then she ended up here of all places. It was a city... By a river. It was like a scene out of some movie or something too. Then she realized she wasn't alone. Three... People of odd dress. Everyone was talking while she tried getting her bearings and especially annoyingly so was the Director in her ear. So frantic, she just needed to calm her ass down. The she acknowledged Mori and the skeleton battle in the corner of her eye. She puffed on her cigarette and exhaled the smoke away from the people around her. Rather calmly, she spoke to the Chaldean staff. [color=red]"My head's spinning, I've barely talked to anyone, I feel like I've missed hours of my life and here everyone is calling me Rosa already. Really, don't know if I should be angry or not."[/color] Perhaps her way of trying to diffuse the Director's franticness or a way to sneak in information about her current state without trying to complain too much. [color=red]"That said, the... Woman is right."[/color] When she looked to the man with the spear, she had a feeling. A tug at her heart perhaps? Or something of the sort. She felt like she knew him. It was then she noticed the command seals on her hand. [color=red]"Ahh,so that must of happened. Perhaps I should say the sole female servant among us here. There's an Archer, Caster and a Lancer with me here... Stuff you probably already know I suppose."[/color] She continued. [color=red]"The Lancer is my servant, correct?"[/color] She asked both him and Chaldea, taking a look over to verify that the skeleton brawl was still under control. It was so her attention was redirected. [color=red]"Nagayoshi Mori, I believe."[/color] Rosalyn added, looking to the Lancer class servant with a bit of smirk. [color=red]"I like your attitude. Think we'll get along just fine... Still, lend me your shoulder for a second."[/color] She mentioned, supporting herself with his shoulder. Perhaps it was all the smoking, but her head never really stopped spinning. [color=red]"Well then... Director and... Chief Medical Officer I presume?"[/color] That who she thought the voice was, though she has only heard her a couple of times. She was pretty easy on the eyes to put it mildly. [color=red]"Any ideas for us or should we just set out one way and find the other Masters? Are there servants with the other Masters? Can't let these kids get hurt while I'm around."[/color] She wasn't fully sure yet what was going on, just that the Masters were separated at the moment. If the could meet up that would be best, safety in numbers and all. The one she was most worried about was that kid, Liliana was it? Of course Marietta and William were a course for concern too but they looked like they could take care of themselves. Hopefully. It just didn't sit right with her to leave a child by herself.