[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fWpmWD76/ba126c5312a21eb9b6823aa5d6245506.png[/img][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][h2][u]Ashkevron Residence in Aren, Askavi[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [center][sup][@LadyRunic] [@Zoey White][/sup][/center] Mikhail silently listened as the Eyrien replied to Dareen's words. Despite the harsh words, he was speaking the truth. There was no such thing as the 'law' told in stories in their society. Whatever the queen spoke was the law. Be it good or bad. It was a simple matter of hierarchy. Whoever was on top had the right to call the shots and that was final. In that case, Faeril was indeed the 'law' inside that house. Judging by Dareen's reactions to his words, resting her head in her palms, she knew very well that fact. Unfortunately for her, Mikhail not only had no reason to, but wasn't in any position to try and defend her. Ultimately, her fate rested on Faeril's hands. Other than the talk about law and hierarchy, Mikhail was surprised when he heard that Faeril wasn't exactly on good terms with the queen, despite her position. It was then that a familiar face appeared in the room. As Denvar greeted the Eyrien, who was called Bellinar, it became clear that they were in fact brothers, if it wasn't clear enough due to the striking similarity. [color=6ecff6]"I will try to keep that in mind."[/color] Mikhail said with a chuckle as he heard Bellinar's warning about Faeril. From what he had seen about Faeril so far, she seemed to be a strong woman with strong oppinions, but she was no fool either. He respected her professionalism and despite not knowing her that well, it was clear that she was an intelligent woman. Intelligent enough for Mikhail to not drop his guard too much around her... [color=6ecff6]"I take it it's your first time seeing a Dea Al Mon then?"[/color] Mikhail asked, looking to Bellinar as he asked about his pointy ears. [color=6ecff6]"I don't blame you, I am indeed very, very far away from 'home'."[/color] Mikhail said, with a chuckle and a calm expression, although it was clear that there was something [i]different[/i] as he mentioned the word 'home'. Almost as if he didn't believe on it's meaning or something.