“Huh?” Pylia gave you a disbelieving look as she cleared her way to a somewhat open path, at least void of tall brush. “You have to be really lost if you don’t know that much.” She seemed dismissive at first, but Pylia took a moment to think of something before moving forward some more. ”We’re in the Grandal, lead by Duke Erod Blackbane. As for continent I suppose were at the southern side of Cormac, ruled by King Andrews Wyrmslayer, and the year is 7512 if you’re going to ask that too.” None of these names would be familiar to you. They sounded like the sort of names you’d get from a typical fantasy, especially since the only time you hear people called dukes and Kong’s would be either in historical context or just ceremonial. Even Cormac isn’t anything that rings a bell for you geographically. “Just where did you come from? Did you lose your memories or something?”