Hello everyone! My name is Casper! I'm non-binary, love arts and writing, and love performing! My lengths can range from a few sentences to several paragraphs, depending on my mood and the other persons response. (I'm sorry but if you'd to out a huge thing that's only your character thinking, I'm not going to be able to respond.) Please go easy on me, I'm on mobile and my phone doesn't like to cooperate all the time. (Use to have a laptop but it blew and I can't get one right now.) I tend to enjoy 1 on 1 best, but am totally up for group RPs! Also, my style is as follows. "Dialogue" Actions, thoughts, and general non communicative plot furthering. *Texting*. Fandoms include: Detroit become human Camp Camp Undertale Deltarune Miraculous Ladybug Gravity falls Stardew Valley Don't starve Rick and Morty Five nights at Freddy's And plenty more so don't be afraid to ask! I'm very new to this site so if I mess something up or forget something then... I apologise. I will also add that I am 18 years of age or older (no need to say my real age) so I am open to smuts. Though I will respect the rules of the site and if you want to do smut I can give you my discord or an email of mine. That should be it! I don't know how this stuff works but friend me or respond to this if you're interested in RPing! I'm also up for OOC chatting! Have a Sparkletastic day!