[hr] [center][b]Aedthel[/b][/center] [hr] The air in the palanquin was still. Thick woolen fabrics kept the light and eyes from outside at bay. Silence was not the right word - there were marching noises and muffled voices - but no words were being spoken by the one entrenched in this air. Even effortless travel like this tired Aedthel. His bones and joints ached from the jostling, and the weeks stretched like nothing else when all you had for scenery was a bolt of wool. Of course, he could have it removed if he wished, and he did when they were passing uninhabited lands, but now they were arriving. First impressions were important, and there was an expectation of mystery from him. Despite his frailty, he was aware of this. Besides, he liked to imagine how this might seem to the common folk. With the holy men, guards, and servants outside, he would seem truly mighty. The palanquin settled, and its curtains were parted so dexterously slightly by his Nurse, Kinn. This man was a gift from the gods, truly. A nurse by name only, he tended to Aedthel's needs with a zealous dedication and faith that was a cause for pause in the past. Since then, he had proven himself both trustworthy, and valuable in ways certain servants had not. Aedthel slowly raised an arm to shield his eyes from the radiance that worked its dirty little fingers into the palanquin. Kinn narrowed the part even further, and said "Holy Aedthel, we have arrived. Camp is being pitched as we speak, and once I see all is in order, we shall greet the custodians. Here," he wafts some writing tools in, "write a greeting so I may read your true words to them." Aedthel smiles and waves him away, proceeding to pen a short introduction while he waits for the others. [hr] It didn't take long for his humble escort to congregate. He had two heralds who wore yellow, four bearers who wore brown, ten soldiers who wore red, and four of his Ordained, who wore dark green. He wore black, adorned with gold, and in one hand he cradled his introductory letter. He was lifted and carried off, surrounded by guards, and declared by heralds. It was time to be introduced to the custodians of this land.