[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190202/a7dc8d6c55746f87ec44852f97c97ef0.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/9NqQ6hf/feelin-cute.jpg[/img] [color=#BA68A6][b]Location:[/b] Casino[/color][/center][hr][hr] There were Ana and black tentacles and all sorts of happenings. It was getting a little crowded in her space. As a brawler, she was concerned she might hit Cthulu guy or Ana so she hopped back a couple of paces. That was when Gambit came in and directed that Chrysi be killed. Bobbi smiled slightly - she would be fine with doing so. Chrysi was kind of a bitch but a little something in the back of her head began gnawing at her. Would Gambit regret that decision? Jack was starting to argue with Gambit about this. Bobbi turned her attention on Chrysi but was distracted once again. This time by Casper. He seemed to be having some sort of a breakdown. As her teammate and unable to gain much quarter on the battlefront, she now made him her responsibility. She ran toward him and sat her hammer aside as she reached out and grabbed his wrists to keep him from hurting himself. [color=BA68A6]"Oi, oi. Is all right cher,"[/color] she used a sweet and crooning voice as she looked up at him. It wasn't really helping. She was a very physical being. She could fight monsters that were right there in front of her. She could do nothing about the invisible things tormenting her friend. She looked around, trying to figure out what to do for him. Maybe if she could cover his ears in some way? Bobbi reached her arm into the void, pushing through that invisible space which glowed soft white around her arm. Grasping an item, hoping it was the headphones and some kind of music player. She pulled it out to find she had gotten, instead, a pair of furry pink ear muffs. She shrugged and did her best to place the ear muffs over his ears.