[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/i2s5ACo.png[/img][/center] Knight of Fionn? Diarmuid was selling himself short if he was unwilling to place 'greatest' within his title. The words that he shared, of Fuyuki and separation, meant little to Gawain, but the intention was enough. The time for words was over. Now, it was time to learn of each other through crossing blades. Power surged in his own body, his heart pounding like a wardrum before this mighty foe. Beneath, Gringolet snorted, hot breath gushing out as his muscles rippled underneath the armor. There was no trick of light; Gawain was smiling with all he had, fierce and proud before the man who called him 'formidable.' Their pedigree was different, their statures night and day, one in the prime of their life, another in the apex of their ambition. But Fate had allowed them to cross paths, and there was no gift greater than that. He may have been still a child, his aspirations having yet to meet his legend, but he certainly didn't need an [i]observer[/i] to tell him that. [b]"You don't need to tell me that!"[/b] As Diarmuid charged, so did Gawain, a flick of his reins propelling Gringolet forwards. A mass of muscle surged up as the charger leapt, and with a clap of thunder, a flash of lightning, their blades rang. Sparks scattered like a meteor shower, and the Knight of the Surcoat felt the impact resound through his entire body. Powerful and swift, all contained within a human body. It sent shivers in his spine and made his heart roar with further anticipation. Driven back down, fractures burst as Gringolet's hooves collided against the pavement, the charger neighing in indignation. But it was only the first clash. It was only their first exchange. The pressure that pushed down upon the duo could not be ignored, but the pressure to overcome this wall was a far greater agitator. With a warcry (that may have been a little more high-pitched than he'd have liked), the mounted Gawain charged down upon the landed Diarmuid, sword striking down in a vertical arc to prevent aerial escape. [@Reflection]