“It burns a little at first, but it’s harmless. Really the heat just lets me know it’s working.” With their torches lit the two would travel for a bit longer, going down the river until they reached a shallow end they could walk across. Pylia continued to clear away at the underbrush with her knife when you asking your question. “Well, usually during the day worse things around are beasts. Wolves and such, hungry for meals and easy prey. A lone traveler is certainly appealing to a wolf pack. But at night even the beasts seek shelter as the undead rise.” Many more minutes would pass before finally, they would reach a dirt road. There didn’t seem to be anyone else here as Pylia started walking down the road. “Zombies, skeletons, and even spirits. The souls of the damned who dies ages ago, who are forced to relive their tragedy at night. This only happens in places where great suffering occurred, and frankly the world has always suffered from one thing or another. Even worse when necromancer are enslaving the dead to do their bidding.” Further down the road and Pylia stops. She gets down onto one knee as lowers her torch, listening carefully. “Wait. Do you hear that?”