[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/YtCMhjZ/image.png[/img][/center][hr][@Rune_Alchemist][@SSW][@Red Alice] Assassin stood by his Master's side as if bound to her by chain. His bearing did not once falter at their sudden shift, nor was he taken aback by the bloody sight that beheld his current party. Like a statue, Assassin stood stoically next to Marietta with his own spear in hand. However, the two other presences that had manifested alongside Diomedes and his Master still drew some air of concern to the otherwise apathetic Assassin. The bright boy who had spoken up first, Saber, held an all-too-familiar feeling to Assassin. It brought to him the smell of bloodshed far greater than the scene strewed out before them. Being around this boy, this Saber, felt as if he was once again standing before those great, impenetrable city walls. It gave Assassin a feeling of nostalgia, and perhaps even a rush of adrenaline if he were summoned in a more martial Class Container. However, there was only one thing that was in Assassin's mind when he looked at that shining city taking the shape of a mere child... [color=DCDCDC][i]It seems that I may find a use for [b]that[/b] after all...[/i][/color] The other presence, that armor-clad figure, seemed to only draw a feeling of animosity to Assassin. They bore the arms and armor of [i]that man[/i] while at the same time producing another different yet all-too-familiar aura. It's as if thus woman's very existence was something that Diomedes, even as an Assassin, could not help but grimace with disgust, if only slightly. [color=DCDCDC]"... Understood. I will perform a perimeter sweep of the area."[/color] Assassin replied to his Master's orders before finally stepping away from her side. He did not give either Servant so much as a glare, his eyes kept forward as he strode onward. It's as if he was trying to avoid any sort of interaction with either party, at least at this time. However, he did not depart just yet. [color=DCDCDC]"We should find a place to rendezvous first in case we are unable to maintain contact. As far as scouting is concerned, I should be able to handle myself on my own."[/color] Indeed, for an Assassin that also boasts a great martial legend like Diomedes, fighting off most threats would be trivial in most cases. At the same time, Diomedes is also aware of the limitations that his current Saint Graph would maintain, and as such he would be unable to display his true power despite maintaining his skill-at-arms. Assassin did not depart until a more coherent plan was made between the four of them.