Felix had returned to his flat, deciding to skive off his lecture as this was more important. Technically his family owned the whole building, it was a townhouse built by one of his uncles who moved out to America in the eighteen hundreds. It was left to the family aftrr he died of unknown, but messy, causes. Admittedly the place had barely been updated since it was first built, however it made up for the lack of modern conveniences by being built over two minor leylines. Perfect for warding against the clan's more than mundane enemies. Currently he was checking the Identity Ward, a defensive spell designed by Great Uncle Merlin during the fifteen hundreds to hide their bloodline. Brilliant spell crafter, dumb as a brick when it came to women. According to the family journal he got tricked and turned into an oak tree like the original Merlin. The ward was burned out, along with many of his more delicate defences. It seemed someone had unleashed a powerful burst of magic in the city. [i]Great.[/i] Judging by the intensity, and the malevolence eminating from the aftershock, it wasn't a nice type of magic either. So it was either some idiot messing with something they shouldn't and unleashing evil magics... or something broke through regardless. Either way he should probably let someone know. Bourke was from a line of dhampir, she'd probably believe him. He dialled her number on his phone. [color=ed1c24]"Yo Hack!"[/color] Felix said, [color=ed1c24]"It's FF. Something big from our side has appeared, shorted out my wards. Just a heads up."[/color] [@Shellshock]