Atana Whitewood [h1]Surprise[/h1] Atana Whitewood recoiled as the door flew open. Lying on the planked decking looking up in fear and surprise, thoughts raced through Atana’s mind. [color=15F978][i]Was this man sent to kill or arrest?[/i][/color] Atana thought that the job had gone off perfectly or so it seemed. A year-and-a-half of hard work had going into that job. The Guild Master of the Shadow Wolves had arranged an apprenticeship tough a traveling bard for a young boy born to a stakeholder from the wilds. The boy was brought to Master Cedric Fartheth to teach and train with a payment of three gold coins. Cedric was a well to do mage and a Baron by birth. The problem was, Baron Cedric had made some enemies, intentionally or otherwise, that wanted to ruin him. The first and foremost was his younger brother. Money had changed hands, bribes were made, and Atana was eventually planted in the house as a promising student, going by the name of Pug. As time had gone by for Pug, learning how to read and write, magic theory, and other things that a boy should know. Many of the skills Pug showed no real skill in. Sword and shield and heavy armed combat were painful. When they put the chainmail on, Pug could barely raise a sword let alone swing it. When Pug’s magic started to come in, it came not in the way that Master Cedric described it, but more from anger and will. Pug could say the words, wave his hands, and impose will and the magic happened. This got Pug a reprieve from the beatings from sword and shield practice, the errands around the keep to stay out of the way and out of trouble. Now Pug worked as a scribe for Master Cedric. Pug was allowed to be present, much of the time, when Cedric was doing something important holding court, working in the lab, or making a point to be seen by the people. Atana started to like the man and started to understand some of the harshness that came from him in a different way. When the fall festival was near, the time came to bring him to ruin. It pained Atana to betray Cedric. Being an orphan the keep had become like family. Atana was the one who opened the window to let the thieves in. Atana knew where the key was that let pass into the magical lab, loot it and plant the evidence that would bring him down. As payment, Atana was kidnapped with rough hands, given a small bag of silver coins and thrown on a ship as it was casting off. Atana, the rouge and runaway apprentice started to slide back, hoping to get a hand on the hilt of a dagger. [color=15F978]“What do you want?”[/color] Atana said with fear. Atana looks around to see who else in the cabin is there to help deal with the situation.