Carver followed Shock down the ladder and into the dining room and plopped down into the chair next to Barrel. Aside from a periodic fertilizer bath, she didn't require much in the way of nutrition, and ghoul-lash wasn't something she could easily stash for later use. "I'd say it smells good, but I don't have a nose. I'd wager you're a better cook than Sally though, just based on how much of your own food you eat." She snorted at the banter about the Witch's Shop and what sort of mischief that Barrel would likely get up to, there. "Just make sure Agatha doesn't catch you. The oldies are almost as blind as worms, but she'll be staring at you pretty hard the whole time you're there." Carver smirked when he commented about her improvisations. "Oh, he won't get the chance to take credit for it. The second his tries, he's gonna have pumpkin guts all up in his precious, carefully styled hair."