[img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/75/b3/cc/75b3cc01bf716e81f36154e92bd3e837.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/B] [color=15F978]Atana Whitewood[/color] [b]Alias:[/B] [color=15F978]Pug[/color] [b]Age:[/B] [color=15F978]16[/color] [b]Gender:[/B] [color=15F978]Female[/color] [b]Species:[/B] [color=15F978]human[/color] [b]Class:[/B] [color=red]Rouge/Sorcerer[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] Atana is a tomboy-ish girl with short red hair and blue eyes. Her complexion is clear and her skin is a cream color. She likes to wear clothes that do not reveal much of her feminity. Being a late bloomer, she is still able to pull off the illusion that she is a boy (She will look like the picture when she blooms). As a rouge she likes to wear items of clothing that are dark and allow her to hide in the shadows. As Pug, the magic user, she wears clothing that shows that she was a minor servant in an outlying noble household. [B]Personality:[/B] [indent] [list] [*]Curious - Atana is curious about the world around her. She wants to know why things happen. She wants to learn more and experience more. [*]Motivated – Atana isn’t one to sit around and let the world come to her. [*]Impulsive – Atana will take risks to learn things. [*]Insecure – Atana is still young and not sure about herself. [*]Lazy – Atana will look for shortcuts [*]Confident - She is sure she can get what she wants. [/list][/indent] [B]Motivation:[/B] In general, Atana wants the finer things in life, she just does not want to have to work to hard at it. The exception to that is if she finds it interesting or is challenged by the activity. Secretly she wants to restore Cedric to his proper place. [B]History:[/B] Atana Whitewood was raised in a small rural village near the boarder. She has six brothers and sisters that she knows of. Her mother was a seamstress and was woman. Her father was a fun loving lazy drunk, who always found the money the family needed when there was a crisis. Her village was raided and her parents killed. Her older sister dressed her in boys clothing and cut her red hair short, placing a staff in her hand a small pack of personal items from her parents. A sewing kit, a dagger for her belt, a cloak, a fur hat, and her father’s walking staff. She grabbed her father’s pipe and tobacco pouch from the fireplace mantle. Her sister explained that it was safer for her if people thought she was a boy. Atana was sent out with others fleeing, her older siblings were going to stay and fight the next raid. Atana is not sure where her magic comes from. She is drawn to the power it offers and she finds it tempting. [hider=ooc] I’m not use to playing mages. I wanted her to have a little utilitarian magic – ability to start a fire, a light spell, and mend. I am thinking that she is going to function more off her rouge side as she and I develop her sorcerer side. [/hider] [B]Equipment: [/B][indent][list] [*]Clothing [*]2 daggers, [*]a quarter staff, [*] basic pack with a little bit of supplies, [*]her father’s lock picks, [*]her mother’s sewing kit, [*] and a small bag of coins. [/list][/indent] [B]Weakness: [/B][indent][list][*] [color=15F978]The magic[/color] – Atana feels the pull of the magic to use it. It whispers to her that she can right the wrongs of the world by imposing [color=red]her[/color] will on others. [*][color=15F978]The desire for power[/color] – Like magic power has a lure all its own. The motivation is the same, to be able to impose her will to set the world the way she thinks it should be. [*][color=15F978]Crowds and tight spaces with others[/color] – Atana does not like being in crowds. She always worries that her secret is going to be exposed. [/list][/indent] [B]Relationships:[/B] [color=15F978]Yet to come[/color]