“Real skinny fella, short too, but he ain’t no kid. Young though, maybe twenty odd years or so? Dressed like a bandit you know, ragged looking with a face mask. Dirty yellow hair. He has a bow but no arrows. Watch out though, last night he stole a shortsword from the general shop. He might try to stick you with it if he gets cornered. We tried chasing him down last night but none of our boys were fast enough. By the time we thought we had him trapped, he was already gone.” The old man wiped his nose and leaned forward, taking a small worn map out and o to the counter. “Thing is we got a good idea of where he runs off too every night when he tries to escape, since we know he doesn’t live in the village. We can get some of our boys ready to capture him, block em off if he tries to run from you. All we need you to do is catch em. After that well... We’ll just have to leave em in the stocks I guess, at least until the duke sends his tax collectors and soldiers by. We can turn him over to them then.”