“Aye, he always seems to start at my shop first. Usually grabs coins and tools, then hits Yerro’s shop for groceries. What that little rat does with money I can’t fathom, not as if he trades with anyone in town.” Iola snarled. Yerro chimed in with a finger raised. “He might be paying those Iron Hammer brigands to the north. I remember seeing a strange amulet he had on, looked like a miniature hammer. He might be a member.” Ricks sighed. “That doesn’t make it any better. A thief we can deal with, but a whole gang of bandits? We only have about six Well armed men. The rest of us are just fishermen and sailors.” Iola shrugged and looked to you. “Then we’ll just have to catch that rat and ask him why he’s doing what he’s doing. See if he’s a spy for those bandits or not. Either way, we gotta deal with him first. Pretty sure we can start as soon as you’re ready, lassie.” Iola smiles and nodded at you.