Iola didn’t seem to like the idea of letting her shop get robbed, but she let out a begrudging sigh. “Suppose I could try and stash my lighter tools elsewhere, make him carry the heavier stuff. Just make sure you catch em tonight!” With the plan set the group went to prepare. Ricks went over to you and gave an approving smile. “I’ll be honest with you lass, I didn’t actually expect you to be so willing I assist us, specially not this late at night. Here,” He drops two silver coins in your hands. “Your room and meal are free for tonight. And if we catch that criminal, you’ll always have a place to stay here in Cassari.” Eventually everyone was in place. The young men hid in the building where the thief usually escapes to, ready to get to the roof once they got the signal. Iola and Yerro stood by the gates to make sure the thief could t exit that way either. And finally Toi and Ricks were positioned near the beach, once more cutting off any escape the thief could take. This way Toi could also easily storm through the streets if you needed him to try and catch the thief. All that was needed now was for you to wait in Yerro’s grocery store and try to make yourself hidden. How well this operation went relief entirely on you.