:P Strangelander knows how it is. In other news, wow is it taking me a long time to post. So, I want you guys to ignore me and go about your merry way, make your posts about meeting people in Ponyville, about the train ride, all of that, while I keep working on setting up the storylines for Baybylon and the rest of the game. :( Again, sorry for all of the delays, but I [i]do[/i] want it to be well crafted, and spending considerable amounts of time on it is the only way to ensure that. The upside is, once I have it all worked out, there will be very little waiting indeed! To be perfectly honest, RPing does not come easy to me, at all. I get serious periodic burnout (followed by bouts of shame for abandoning the site), even when I'm only in a couple of games, and I'm very determined not to let that happen again. So, no matter what happens, I'm not going to abandon this thread. It may take way longer than is appropriate to get moving again, but this game is [i]not[/i] going to die.