Alrighty, here we go with the critiques. Be aware that, even though I am looking over your sheets, there might be one or two things that stick out and would like emphasized/changed/explained more. I hope you don't come at me with pitchforks and torches. [@jdh97] Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with Eon other than the clothes he wears. Taranis is pretty hot, so maybe he could ditch the furs? Unless you're saying that's what he's wearing up in Sher. Also, you can explain what he carries under the "equipment" section that's beneath "weapons" instead of putting everything under other. Other than that, your character is [color=39b54a]ACCEPTED.[/color] [@Mr Nim] The first thing that sticks out to me is that, even though Zella was born in Hotaru, she has no eastern vibes. Her name isn't really Eastern, and she seems like she isn't really from there. You can easily fix this by either having her parents not be Hotaruan, and have moved there instead, or have her be from somewhere else. [@Typical] Honestly, I love him. I don't see anything that really sticks out, so he's [color=39b54a]ACCEPTED.[/color] [@CleanBreeze] I am not looking at your character until you join the discord, fix your backstory, and separate your paragraph into separate ones. [@Eleven] Firstly, I love the format you have your sheet in. Love the blocks and sprites! Honestly, love her simple and straightforward backstory, and I love the story with Captain. She's [color=39b54a]ACCEPTED.[/color] [@Hey Im Jordan] Well, nothing much other than to say [color=39b54a]ACCEPTED![/color] [@Fabricant451] Since your character's backstory is interlinked with Westra's, I don't have a problem with it either. [color=39b54a]ACCEPTED![/color] [@UndeadSpartan] I don't really have an issue with Shareena either. But, something that does nag me is the fact that she named her Croagunk and not her Zoroark, which has been with her for longer. If you need me to help you to come up with a name for him, I will! But for now, she's [color=39b54a]ACCEPTED![/color] [@Demon Shinobi] Your character sucks and you should feel bad. NAH JUST KIDDING! His weaponry is accepted, especially since we discussed it before. They're pretty cool-- simple, yet intricate, weapons. His personality and backstory is good, too, albeit a bit short. But I'm not gonna haggle you for it, it's good enough for me. If you would like I could help you pick out movesets later. For now, he's [color=39b54a]ACCEPTED![/color] --- [@dragonpiece] [@FailingForward] I'm sorry to say you've been booted from the roleplay and will not have a chance of rejoining. [@Helios J Mears] [@Pirouette] I'm giving you two until the end of the weekend to at least reply to my pings. If you don't reply by Sunday, I'll unfortunately have to boot you two as well. I'll be trying my damn hardest to start this roleplay today.