The Giant Slime screeched in pain and began to retreat, unfortunately taking Torrent with it; the Lesser Wurm was stuck to the Slime’s membrane, carried along as the ball of goop rolled away from them as fast as it could. Oberon’s first reaction was the attack it again, to prevent it from leaving with his ally, but he couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t hit Torrent by mistake; he hesitated and the Slime continued to flee. Ash reacted first, casting the Minor Heal spell she had learned last night on the Wurm before firing another glob of poison after the Slime. Digbie reacted next, placing both hands on the ground and casting a spell which raised a wall of earth up out of the ground to block the Slime’s path. That left him to help finish things off. His last attack had been effective, his fiery projectile piercing his target slightly before detonating and boiling the Slime from the inside out, causing it to finally give up the fight and try to run; it hadn’t penetrated as deeply as he expected a Mana Dart to however, either because the spell was incomplete or because fire was less suited to the task than non-elemental Mana was. Nonetheless, if he hit the Slime like that again he felt like he could end this fight. The Sprite formed another Fireball in his hands, again shaping it into a long and narrow dart using Mana Shape and compressing it down to make it more solid and better able to stab into the Slime. This time he went even further, squeezing the flames even tighter together, trying to make the dart needle thin at its tip, or as close as he could before it fell apart at least. When he was satisfied that he had done as much as he could he launched the dart at the Slime again, aiming once more for the Slime’s centre of mass as he sought to throw his spell right into the heart of the creature. [hider=Action Report] Casting "Fireball" and "Mana Shape" to create "Fire Dart" [/hider]