[@Thinslayer][@Darkwatck01] Kaitra almost jumped when she heard another voice chiming in, instinctively having already pulled her sword an inch from the sheath before noting the familiar face. She sighed in exasperation and sank back into her seat, confused why the queen was out and about, visiting mead halls no less. Regardless, she supposed it would be a while longer before given the opportunity to properly relax. [color=bc8dbf]"Nohszink comes from zee Crown, anymore..."[/color] Kaitra stated flatly, eschewing formalities due to the surprise nature of their meeting. [color=bc8dbf]"...Eit vahz leveled by your dragon, remember?"[/color] she continued, tapping a finger on the table and giving a sideways half-glare at the queen. The comment was based on her previous request that the dragon not be harmed, and based on her experience today combined with the queen's admittance, the venom was richly brined in cynicism. The princess acknowledged the queen's apology with a quiet nod of the head, briefly glancing to their unconscious friend. "Zee Seventh...vaht?" Kaitra asked, not needing to be told what not to trust after seeing the dumbfounded faces of the court. "Paerdon, Lady Vali, but in Isparia, [i]our[/i] ghosts vehr not given names beholding their lineage..." the musing continued, giving a knowing yet hauntingly neutral look at Nebel after Vali announced him as 'Sir'. [color=bc8dbf]"...Eit makes me curious vaht your painted spooks have done to earn recognition, ehn vaht faces zeis enemy vears"[/color] The demands calmly came, Kaitra's tone having grown annoyedly tense under her otherwise formal demeanor, quickly losing patience in this land's surprises.