[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PMI1m6n.png[/img][/center] [center][@Crowvette][/center] [hr] Vera flinched as she felt a weight land on her bed next to her. What? Who!? There were only a few options for who it could be, and one of them didn't really make sense. None of them did, really. But, in the end, she kind of had an idea... [color=magenta]"Look... i-it's not that you didn't earn anything... but... I just... I'm not... I need some t-..."[/color] she whispered with unusual timidity. "...representation...leylines..." Andras mumbled in her sleep. What? Vera's eyes snapped wide. Her head whipped around and indeed in the gloom it appeared to be... Andras. Vera quickly slapped a hand over her own mouth to stifle any further embarrassing words she might let slip. No one could ever know. Eventually her heart stopped hammering and returned to a more natural rhythm. She briefly considered kicking Andras out so she could get back to sleep... but, well, she hadn't been sleeping to begin with. Suddenly the idea of an empty bed with only the chill night air to keep her company seemed unbearable. [color=magenta]"Just... just this once..."[/color] she whispered and shut her yes.