[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YzzBzTP.png[/img][/center] Well, if Amaryllis knew them they probably weren't bad people. She wasn't quite sure about some of them, but no sense in antagonizing someone for now while they were still getting their bearings. Odd that people couldn't contact their patrons though. Not that it was odd for her, being without one in the first place. [color=chocolate]"Haaa...man why can't I just have a day without something weird happening."[/color] Rina mumbled to herself, walking aboard the boat. For the most part, she didn't approach the other magical girls. No real reason too, and she didn't feel like trying to make friends with them. [color=chocolate]"I'll be up in the crows nest."[/color] She waved back at them as she walked, heading up to the tallest point on the ship. If something bad was going to be happening, might as well be the first to see it. Thankfully it seemed like her misgivings were wrong. The ghost ship sailed, and it sailed fast. They were quickly at the resort island. Its appearance did little to make Rina let her guard down. It was just all too convenient. Maybe she was being overly serious, but this all just was far too much of way too many good seeming things happening at once. Arriving at the help desk, one of the girls - Shanon was it, proceeded to ring the bell. [color=chocolate]"Am I the only one who thinks this all seems way to convenient?"[/color] Rina sighed, frowning lightly. [color=chocolate]"Looks nice though."[/color] Reminded her of where she used to find the high class blue-collar criminal types. She'd much rather prefer a low brow bar or diner somewhere. Fancy places like this just weren't her style. Maybe it'd be a good relaxing vacation spot though, but she doubted it. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/laPPTTp.png[/img][/center] Connoisseur of flesh? Well that was one way to put it. [color=violet]"I prefer to think of it as appreciating the beautiful things in life."[/color] Chloe replied with a smile. Vermilion Veronica, huh? Quite the grandiose name. She hadn't a clue as to what she could help her with. She doubted she could in any sense of the word. Things with the Archive were progressing nicely, so she didn't need help on that front. The only other thing she may need 'help' with was the Mint. Well, no reason to think about it too hard for now. [color=violet]"But hey, if by meeting me in private you mean buying me a drink, I'll take you up on that offer, heh."[/color] Wings forming once more, Chloe's magic orb spun in place atop her finger. [color=violet]"I'll keep ya to that. Don't go running off with another girl before me. I might get a little upset~"[/color] Taking to the skies once more, Chloe followed the others towards the main island. It'd probably not be this easy, but - wait why were there two masochists? Lily seemed to think she was a twin. Her third eye was telling her differently. Well then. [color=violet]"Heh, well, someone's into some fun stuff."[/color] Chloe only stopped next to the two, making the comment complete with a knowing chuckle just as they reached their destination. A tropical climate, a lush resort, plenty of activities - all she needed now was her dear little Penny and this might as well be as good as a honeymoon. And...were those some beacon members here? Oh how fun. Maybe they would decide to get violent and she could actually have a bit of fun, but for now she played nice and ignored them. Maybe for some dinner and entertainment later she'd mess with them. For now she was going to pester Sam and Shade for the foreseeable future. [color=violet]"I still think the original is cuter though."[/color]