[color=fff200]Hey there, everyone! My one and only priority is to find a dominant canon Xayah for a long-term roleplay. My requirements are that you know the canon well, your grammar is fluent, and you post in third person. This roleplay can take place either here or, more preferably, over discord. As for posting sizes, I prefer shorter paragraphs (2-4 sentences), but really, it depends on what I'm given to work with. I don't typically enjoy forcing out longer posts to satisfy a size requirement, and I won't make you do so, either. It's quality over quantity with me, and my post size ranges. There will be nsfw themes in this RP, so if that's not something you're interested in, then this isn't for you. And anything regarding those themes can be discussed privately. I have a few plot points and jump off ideas to get the ball rolling, but don't be afraid to pitch your own ideas! If you're interested, please message me with your interest, questions, or for contact information! Have a nice day~[/color]