Sylvia nodded and answered Ricks, "Okay, I'll be there. You just let me know when. Have a good night, Ricks," After bidding Ricks a good night, she headed for her own room. She would be lying if she had said that she wasn't disappointed. Of course, it may have been too much to expect the inn room to be like a hotel room back home. But still...this was better than nothing at all. So, after making sure the window and door were locked, Sylvia immediately fell asleep on the bed, completely forgetting about the pajamas that she had stashed into her backpack. Today was a busy day...and she could feel the last couple of hours or so catch up to her. At this point, she didn't care if she could feel the hay poking at her, she was just glad to not be sleeping on the hard ground. Then...the dream came to her. A hurricane, above the ocean before the clouds part to show... What in the...?! A Dragon?! And it had an entourage of monsters and smaller dragons with it. She felt fear as she gazed upon the black scaled being, but she also couldn't help but wonder where it was flying to. However, that thought was interrupted as the dragon turned its golden her. She gasped and sat up straight quickly as she woke up from the dream. Sylvia panted to catch her breath and she asked "Wh-What...?" She then shook her head as she thought to herself "[i]Calm down...It was just a dream,[/i]" At least...that's what she hoped it was. She then checked her shoulder to see that her wound had healed, completely. She made a mental note to thank Pylia. Apparently those berries worked wonders! She then looked to the door as she heard a voice call for her saying that breakfast was ready. She called back, "Ah! Thank you, I'll be down soon," Come to think of it, breakfast sounded pretty good right now. After trying to straighten her short blonde hair and fluff it up so that it's not completely flat, she decided to head downstairs for breakfast.