Sylvia followed the elderly woman down to the dining area. Once there, she took a seat at the table. She thanked the elderly woman politely after she brought out the food for her. It didn't look appetizing, but Sylvia's stomach growled at the smell of the food. She quickly found that the food was delicious. She noticed the rough looking man who also came down for breakfast. He looked rough. Perhaps he had been traveling and fighting off dangers longer than she herself had? Sylvia kept to herself though, as she ate her breakfast. As she ate, she took in the peaceful scenery and the moment around her. If there was a window near where she sat, she would have looked through it towards the outside from her seat, and notice that the sun is rising. The sound of the ocean and seagulls reached her ears. The Ocean and seagulls... The sound brought the dream to mind once more. Wasn't the dragon flying over the ocean? Sylvia told herself once more that it was just a dream. It was probably nothing. She continued to eat slowly and in silence, until there was nothing of her breakfast left. Whatever today had in store for her, she figured that she was probably going to need all of the energy she can get. After that, she stood up and decided to get some of her things, and look around town if the Ricks and the chief weren't ready to question the thief yet.