Your search wouldn’t take long. Just outside of the inn Rocks was walking with an equally old man, with a bald head and a beard. They seem to be discussing the thief when Ricks sees you. “Ah, and our hero! Chief, she’s the one who helped us nab the rat sleeping in the stocks right now.” The chief stepped forward to you, smiling. “My name is Arduo, Chief Arduo. I’m thankful for your help. We are a peaceful village, and most of our troubles are usually just a bit of drunken revelry or bad weather. I’m glad you’ve caught the thief before more drastic measures had to be taken.” “Aye, old Iola wants to flog him right now! Good thing we got the boys holding her back!” Ricks gave a chuckle as he lead you and the Chief over to the stocks. As the name implied, it was little more than a cage with a restraining device for a prisoners head and hands. Iola and Yerro were there, as was Toi and his boys. And perhaps to your surprise, Pylia was also here applying some sort of medicine onto the thief. She’s too focused on her task to notice you. “As soon as he wakes up, we’ll question him about what he’s been doing here. Then we can decide his fate.”