"What can I get for you?" The unexpectedly Australian accent drawled from across the bar. Chloe, who was terrible at making any kind of decision, scanned her eyes across the board. "Can I get a bottle of water and a..." [I]Argh, why were there so many choices.. [/i] A momentary panic surged through her, but she managed to rein it in admirably. "Mocha, please." [I]Smooth, real smooth.[/i] The dude grinned as he grabbed the bottle of water from the chiller. "Feeling a little jaded?" He purred, which made Chloe chuckle. "Yes, but the water isn't for me." And with a good humoured waggle of her eyebrows, she glanced out of the window to make sure Marci hadn't fallen off of the pier, or anything equally as dramatic. "Ah, the redhead." He acknowledged knowingly. "Never seen anyone fall over quite as spectacularly as her before.." The blonde trailed her eyes back to the Australian with an eyebrow perked in amusement. "A class act, isn't she?" Luckily for Chloe, Marci didn't remember her antics from the previous night. If she had, there was no way she woulda' convinced the girl to go back. Was he flirting? Chloe didn't even ask herself. She was the sorta' person who rarely ever noticed. Well, unless it was blatantly obvious. Boyfriends? There had been a few, but she didn't feel compelled to be with someone just for the sake of it. No. Marci however, was a regular revolving door of love interests. Was Chloe picky? Not really - she just found the majority of guys a little dull. Especially the ones she'd met at Uni. One thing on their minds, and nothing between their ears. Besides, she'd noticed the guy with the book nearby. He was far more appealing. "So, you here with anyone else?" He asked nonchantly as he slid the coffee towards her, "Like a boyfriend.." "Like a boyfriend?" Chloe replied, clearly entertained by the question, "Now, why would I want to go and ruin a perfectly good vacation by doing that?" The jackass side of her also wanted to ask what he classed to be [I]'like a boyfriend'[/i] .. But she didn't. Although, if you were able to read people well, you could probably tell she was restraining herself. "You know, could I get a Danish too.." [I]Way to shut him down, Chlo.[/i]