[color=ed1c24]Keir[/color] "Your highnesses, thank you for meeting me here." Keir nodded respectfully upon seeing his future wife and brother-in-law. His eyes then rested on the crown prince. "I fully understand your concern, but I only ask for a quiet conversation with your sister. I promise that I won't lay a hand on her and you have every right to watch us from afar." Despite his calm demeanor, Keir was delighted with the princess undeniably fine boned features that were a rare sight in humans. Even he, who praised to treat everyone equal regardless of whether the person was good looking or not, admired her beaming eyes. Yet, he had to remind himself that she still was a human princess, not a vampire and that beauty was fleeting. He had witnessed the birth and death of too many fair creatures to concentrate on such a trivial matter. This time he purely hoped for them to build a strong connection based on mutual interests rather than looks.