[b][center][h3][u]Gods, Men and Everything in Between[/u][/h3][/center][/b] [center][b]Status[/b]: [b][color=green]Open[/color][/b][/center] [b][u]Deity Application[/u][/b] - If you wish to join, you will join the game as a [b]New God[/b]. The [b]New Gods[/b] are those descended from the original, or [b]Old Gods[/b]. - New Gods are given [b]Domain[/b] of a [b]Minor Domain[/b] upon joining--handed to them by the [b]GM[/b]. [hider=Deity Application] [b]Deity Name[/b]: [Name Here] [b]Deity Description[/b]: [Description Here] [b]Descended From[/b]: [Deity 1 Here] + [Deity 2 Here][/hider]