Duncan listened to Gnol and nodded, having an alliance with the Dwarves was a good thing, perhaps they could get the Elves on their cause too but that would be more difficult then the Dwarves. He would love to join Gnol but he still had the feeling that the Dwarves was the wrong way for him and he trusted his intuition. Duncan was eating more of the soup when Rai spoke up. He sat up more straight as he wanted to listen what she had to say speaking up like that caught his attention and he wasvery interested what she had to say. When the big orange dragon landed Duncans tensed up, not knowing what the dragonwould do but when he spoke Duncan relaxed again. He didn't claim to be a dragon expert but the colour suggested fire. "The Sanctuary?" He asked before he thought a moment. Sanctuary was far and off limit for humans as far as he knew. He glanced East, he knew there was a port city there and if he recalled some legends right that was a direction believed Santuary was. Ofcourse no one ever could confirm it. Crreessa looked bored at Rai, she had little interest what was going to be said. When the big orange dragon landed she looked from him to her red dragon. RedClaws looked at the new dragon. He bowed his head. [i]"Elder, you honour us with your presence"[/i] RedClaws said. [i]"I will help you in your search but I hope you can find some strength to aid us. We could use your experience well."[/i] Crreessa was unsure if she should bow too or not. But she decided she was not a dragon and not officially a rider so she didn't do anything, her dragon could show all the requiered respect. Gnol gave a little nod that he had heard Meria's words but didn't react otherwise. When Rai spoke up he looked at her to see what she had to say, it did have a ring to an important announcement to it and he didn't want to miss any of that. When she didn't continue right away he wondered why but when the orange dragon landed he understood. "Well they just get bigger and bigger don't they." he muttered in his beard. He didn't like dragons as he didn't like Elves but he did respect dragons more. Especially when a good trade deal was established like some treasury for smithing in dragon fire or to charge Dragon Heart Stones. As long as they didn't put their paws on any of his treasure or valuable items Dragons were tolerable "I know a nice volcano not too far from where I live with hardly human activity and hardly and Dwarven or Elven activity." Gnol said. Alan shared Meria's sentiment but perhaps not for the same reasons. He wondered what Rai had to say and he flinched as another dragon appeared. His small dragon woke up when the orange dragon landed. He yawned and looked with big eyes to the orange dragon. He ran over there and looked up [i]"Oh boy! You are big. And so old! You must be a granddad. You are now my Granddad. Is it ok if I call you Granddad or maybe Pops? I will carry you if your wings are tired, Imma strong dragon!"[/i] The little green dragon said as he somewhat flexed his wing. Alan facepalmed as he heard his young dragon ramble on not very respectful. RedClaws glared at the imature dragon. [i]"Be respectful."[/i] he growled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The shifters nodded at the order of killing Trevor. Theo raised his upper lip in enjoyment. "It will be done." He said. They looked at the map Doruk gestured at. After a quick glance at each other Thea went back in the passage, shifted in human form and came in the room in a hooded cloak that covered her face. She carefully placed the pins at the mountains where the cave should be and the estimation of where the dragon was spotted in the forest. It was hard to She also pinned the village where some dragons had been spotted in the area and Trevors house. "There that are the last know locations of dragons. We will keep track of that too while we hunt for Trevor." Thea said. "We keep out ears and noses open for any new information as always. Was that all or is there more we can do general Doruk?"