[center] [u][b]Manager of Docks Replies[/b][/u] The man grin peeled off as the questions started coming in, dropping into an gaze taken by calculation despite looking directly at the engineer, just as he was about to open his lips the terminal buzzed to life and interrupted. His grin returned, the same kind of grin your nail onto your cheeks when a new customers comes waltzing into your hotel and he closely looked at all of them. His eyes were as tense as his face, almost challenging them all to say something they could regret, although, this was a look anyone with any experience with a party member would find common amongst most of them. [i]"That's right, cake. They would definitely complain. If they were able to"[/i] He placed his hand on the terminal as if to give support to the hunk of metal in the same way someone would introduce a recruit to a new work place [i]"But every ship you see here has been collected...or sent here..." [/i]He broke off and lowly moaned to himself as he gestured to the motely montage of used ships before them [i]"more like dumped on me..."[/i] he quickly returned to grace [i]"Is a product of relocation on behalf of the party. Many of the owners of these ships are dead and they were bought back in for reaquisition...others lost their ships because they accrued debt for their disobedient behavour or they have been sent to prison and lost their ship in order to pay for their housing and rehabilitation in our behavoural therapy centers..."[/i] He paused after the last one. It was a lie so blatant you could swear even he had to soak it in. [i]"This IS all the information we have on them. For one reason or another they've just...piled up. Each one of these ships were given a look over before going into storage, so they all work fine...as you can tell...no burns, no missing parts"[/i] He nodded at Mond and Astrid as he said that. [i]"Honestly. I'm surprised we manage to get even these brief processing documents you have now with how far some date back and how much they moved about. Truly a testament to the party's people ability to perform against time and a network size that would be crush outside organisations"[/i] [i]"Now. If you excuse me. I got a station capable of handling traffic of 1000 incoming and outgoing ships to monitor"[/i] He buttoned his shirt despite the fact it wasn't already buttoned, he gave you a little salute as walked out, all fake and abrupt as if it was muscle memory [i]"Prosperity to the party and it's patrons!" [/i] [hider=tags] [@datadogie][@Voltus_Ventus][@Starlance][@officaz][@MythicGaming][@Bazmund][@Eyelid] [/hider] [/center]