Ghent winced. Once again, he managed to get on Drust’s nerves. Or what was left of them. He shifted his weight to his other foot, making no attempt to speak in fear of agitating him. Hopefully the Curse wouldn’t rear its ugly head again. As Drust began to explain about his memories being intact, Ghent relaxed slightly. Using his staff to support his weight, he leaned forward, listening with intense curiosity. Up until that moment, he thought the Knights were a class rather than a race. He took a breath when Drust addressed his special abilities, one of the questions that interested him most of all. Ghent could barely keep up with Drust's many strengths and skills. “You’re like Wolverine or something!” he exclaimed, louder than he intended to. He clasped a hand over his own mouth and looked in Elayra’s direction, careful to lower his voice before speaking again. “He's a hero -- he has epic abilities too, and can withstand stuff that normal people can’t,” he explained, his words rushed in his hurry to speak without interrupting. As if that wasn’t enough for Ghent to fanboy over, Drust informed him that a vinifcium had the potential to match a Knight in combat. “No way…” Ghent couldn’t begin to imagine such a thing possible. At least, he couldn’t imagine himself against Drust. It was difficult enough fighting with his peers, how could he take down someone created for combat? By all accounts, Drust seemed indestructible. Except for his one weakness, of course. While all of the information was new, Drust being weak against magic didn’t come as a surprise to Ghent. He remembered Elayra saying something about that during their misadventures through the forest. It was something he didn’t think much about before, but it was kind of awesome to have access to the Knight’s kryptonite. “Sorry about earlier,” Ghent piped up, feeling compelled to offer some sort of apology. “I never meant to hit you. Or Elayra.” He wanted to ask how Drust used magic when it posed such a threat to him, but the Knight went on to reveal perhaps the most shocking piece of information about himself. “You…what?” Ghent leaned too far forward and almost fell. He knew Hatter was powerful, but not [i]that [/i]powerful. He stared at the Knight in a mixture of amazement and disbelief, his blue eyes wide with wonder. In that rare moment, he was at a loss for words. “He [i]created you?[/i]” Ghent blanched. “But, that’s…I mean,” he ran a hand through his hair before gesturing to him with the same hand. "Look at you! You're perfect! I can't even make a paper plane!" he paced back and forth, shaking his head while he tried to comprehend that such magic existed. The power to create beings was insane. Nearly godlike. He couldn't wrap his mind around it. He couldn't believe he was the son of someone so exceptional. [i]Thirty-five years ago...[/i] Ghent stopped mid-pace, frowning at his sneakers in thought. He fell quiet again, but the silence didn't last long. "Did he create all of you? Or...were their other vinifcium then?"