As the waves crashed into the ports side and the ship listed, Anata felt the rocks shift as much as heard them trying to counter balance the ship. Tables and chairs slipped, tipped, and fell. Atana now knew why the bunks were pegged in place. Atana tumbled, not gracefully, but like the tables and chairs. Only to be bounced back and the ship was righted. The smell of vomit mixed with the sea foam and the excrement of people filled her nose and lungs and she gave into vomiting. The mouth panting had kept it at bay, but now with the additional smells and fear was more than she could take. Antana managed to stand and reclaim gear. She tossed her boots around her neck. At the shout of pirates, [color=15F978]“Daemon spit,”[/color] slipped from her lips a little louder than a whisper. She had learned that from a Tiefling thief that she had worked with. She would not say they were friends, but she did not die on his knife like his former partner. And yes, her mother would have been so proud to hear her speak like that that lye soap would have been used. But it seemed like the appropriate swear for the moment. She gave the Tiefling space, she had learned that Tieflings don't trust people for no reason and they tended to have tempers. She went and offered to the Drow and asked, [color=15F978] “Let me help you get your things and get topside.”[/color] She offered what aid she could then went topside with the others.