[center][hr][hr][img]https://image.ibb.co/hHTZ3p/pro.gif[/img][hr][color=536d78][b]Date:[/b][/color] Monday May 23rd, 2017[hr][/center] [color=ed1c24]*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.[/color] [color=998849]Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~[/color] [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House):[/b][/color] "Your guess is as good as mine," Adelaide said as she closed the door to the SUV. "I don't think so. They're just Marc's parents. Pretty normal people, grew up hanging out there. Just your typical Ozzy and Harriet," she said as she started to walk slowly towards the door. That was until she froze in her tracks when she heard the scream and the gun fire. Zoie heard it too and started tearing down the stairs from the second floor and down to the main floor. "What in sweet Jesus!" Zoie yelled, loud enough for Adelaide to hear. Adelaide's eyes darting over to Robert. Well Mali might never been really trained to use a gun like a Marine Sharpshooter but fuck that. Sometimes when shit hits the fan you just can do what you need to. Like a mother lifting a car off her child that has gotten run over. And so Mali's shot hit the Clown Bitch right between the eyes and dropped her like a bad habit. The large body standing there for a second before the lard tub of lard dropped to the ground dead with a line of blood streaming between her eyes and her brain matters splattered along the back wall of the basement. The balloon popped just as the clowns last breath left her body. [color=536d78][b]Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Stairs):[/b][/color] Roy was more than happy to let the two new comers to the group handle the door. He had already lost a fight with it. And it seemed he wasn't the only one that would. Even Keystone couldn't get the damn thing to open. Well when muscles don't work, blow shit up. Or at least shoot at it. It seemed that was Caesar's approach and it worked. Roy braced himself for the noise. It echoed through the room and down the stairwell as the door opened. The sound of Caesar's voice screaming about Papi being here echoing down the empty Asylum. Caesar was able to make his way down two flights of stairs quickly with Keystone in tow, nothing else popping up until they reached the point where Alicia was hanging like a pinata with Priya trying to reach her to help her back up. Roy took off with them and down the stairs, keeping an eye out on anything that might pop up and watching to make sure Cecily was close to him and out of danger, well as much as one could be right then. Hearing Riley Roy slowed down and spotted the shit storm that was going down between the two rifts. "Well shit," he said as he saw Alicia dangling there. "Wait, I thought she was dead?" he said asking but not expecting an answer. She obviously wasn't dead. She was alive and kicking, and yelling. [color=82ca9d]"Mother fucker,"[/color] she yelled through a grunt as she tried to keep ahold of the railing. Her fingers were starting to slip.