[quote=@Ammokkx] So I thought I recognized that girl, and I was right. It's [url=https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=6604936]Hoodier's[/url] girl! 1: While it's technically possible to earn a scholarship through an institute like Geiru and transition back to a normal, higher education if you take some competency tests, it still seems like a weird choice to me. It doesn't look like Chidori is particularly interested in protecting the nation and it's not like the institute itself will delve particularly deep into science, which is her forte. Could you explain this a bit more? [/quote] A rash decision mostly, bought on by a desire to particularly just get herself away from her family. She's smart, but doesn't have a lot of world experience and just did what seemed like a good idea at the time. A big factor was simply a desire to see constructs up close, even hostile ones. She also probably assumed a place like Geiru would have like an R&D department or something she could get into. If not, well, she'll have to deal with that. [quote=@Ammokkx] 2: Nehla's power is a bit too vague for me, and doesn't seem to match up too well with her visual design. A friend of mine suggested you might be going for a "siren" angle since the one line of hers mentioned singing, but if that's the case, how does she release shockwaves into the earth? Face-plant and yell into the ground? There needs to be some more explanation on *how* her powers work, I feel, not just what effect they could have. Give me some more of that and I'll prolly be fine with this, most of this seems alright to me. [/quote] Whoops. Dropped the ball on that bit. It'd be hard for her to make an earthquake, but it would certainly be possible. Dive her talons into the ground, amplify the resulting vibrations downwards, and you get an earthquake. More realistically, she'd probably use something like the beating of her wings to generate directed blasts of pressure towards targets, and as you said her 'voice' in a way similar as a constant stream of pressure to blast something. If you're not sold on the power though and don't think it fits her visually, I don't mind changing it. Just felt like doing something like a standard thunder or wind bird would be a bit cliche and a change of pace from what I normally do. I wasn't particularly going for a siren feel at all, though. The whole thing about finding her voice was simply a metaphor for Chidori's lack of confidence and Nehls excess of it. Suppose I could go for a more Siren angle, but I don't really know what that would entail at the moment.